Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has become the new normal to many people. Working remotely certainly has its own advantages but it also brings some challenges to our physical health. For many, the result is we are moving less and the quality of our sleep is negatively affected.
Stress plus rest equals growth. Stress is not a bad thing, but resting well is as important as working hard. Especially sleeping.
I don’t have chronic insomnia, but once a while I do have trouble sleeping, especially the days when I’m stressed or when my schedule is fully packed during the day. (Yes, yoga teachers have stress too!) Seeing my son and my husband falling asleep almost instantly beside me makes me so envious of that ability.
Here are a couple of things that I’ve done to improve my sleep. I hope you find it helpful too.
First thing, I got an alarm clock. In our modern lifestyle, our phones have so many amazing functions that we no longer need the actual objects like calculators, maps, alarm clocks, cameras, etc, because our phone, this little device, can do all these things. We can no longer go to sleep without our phone because we rely on its alarm function. Then what happens is we have the habit of checking Instagram and browsing the net before we fall asleep.

The blue light from our devices makes our circadian rhythm drift later and suppresses melatonin secretion, making it harder to fall asleep.
Now that I got an alarm clock, I let my phone sleep in another room. It’s such a difficult habit to change, but it is a game changer for me.
Second, when I can not fall asleep I usually notice that some parts of my body hold tension. So I simply do a couple of yin yoga poses on my futon to release that tension. Where we hold on to tension can be different from person to person but I usually feel it in my hip joints. While I’m doing the poses, I focus on my exhalations, which can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which allows the mind and body to relax.
By the way, I teach yin yoga at Tamisa Sanjo studio on Thursdays and occasionally on Saturdays, please feel free to come practice with me to improve your sleep quality.
And one more piece of advice for people who struggle with their sleep is to go outside and get some natural light during the day, especially in the morning. Morning light keeps your circadian rhythm stable, especially for people who are working from home now, try to go out in the morning for a walk for that sun exposure.
I wish you all health and well!

英語:Sandra Fang