来週の金曜日、12月16日の 20:30-21:00にyinyangヨガウェアがインスタライブを開催します。私もその中で、自分の欲望との調和を見出すためにどのように取り組んでいるかについてお話します。このトピックに関するコメントやみなさんの考えも、ぜひ気軽にインスタライブ上のリアルタイムチャットに書き込んで下さい。本音で語り合える場になればと願っています。
In Harmony with You … My Own Desires
After I received the topic for this yinyang column two months ago, it took me a long time to finalize what I want to write about.
I thought to myself, what in my life do I need to find more harmony?
What I mean is, if you think you could find harmony easily, in your relationship with others, in work, in your living environment, then there’s no need to strive for it. Only the things that I think I’m not quite in harmony with, there’s the need to work on it towards a more harmonious state.
So here is my conclusion, my own desires are the things that I wish to find more harmony with.
Since the day we were born, our lives are driven by desires.
As babies, we have the need to be fed, the need of attention from the parents, the need to be comfortable.
Then we go to school, we want to do well academically, we wish to get along with our classmates, we want to be liked by our teachers.
After finishing school, most of us leave home. We long to be loved by someone, we want to find a good job that we like, we want to live comfortably.
These are the common things that most people wish for, or desire for, as we grow up. I am no different.
Sometimes I think, why is the word “wish” positive, and “desire” has a negative connotation, but to me they both mean the same, “you long for something to happen.”
To better understand the difference between “wish” and “desire”, I did some searching, and found something like this,
“Desire means a strong wish in which a person is going to use his effort to fulfill it.Wish means you have feelings for something but you are not using efforts to fulfill it and you hope that your wish fulfills naturally.”
But, what is wrong with putting effort into something we want to achieve? What is wrong with working hard?
So in my own understanding, desire is neither good nor bad, please allow me to use it as a neutral word here.
How about you? What do you think the difference between wish and desire is?
When I was a child, I was one of those good students who loved going to school, I got decent grades, and I got along well with my classmates. I desired to do well academically, and I desired to learn more about the world.
When I was a university student in Canada, I longed to see the world, so I took 8 months off from school and went traveling solo in Asia.
After I graduated from University, I wanted to live in another culture and that’s what brought me all the way to Japan.
Now that I’m a yoga teacher, I want to share yoga with more people. I often feel like I don’t know enough, and it motivates me to keep reading and learning about yoga, anatomy, and philosophy.
I believe that my desires have helped me to acquire more knowledge and experiences. But at the same time, not being able to achieve my goals brings me anxiety and disappointment at times.
Next Friday, December 16th, 20:30-21:00 yinyang yoga wear will host an instagram live and I will be there to talk about how I work on finding harmony with my own desires. I hope that you can come join me and please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts about this topic in the real time chat. I hope that we can have an honest discussion.
Please find us on instagram
英語:Sandra Fang