春分の日の前日の3月20日、私たち家族三人はCIRCULAR KYOTOの鴨川ゴミ拾いイベントに参加しました。こういった地域のゴミ拾い活動に参加したいと思い続け、ようやく参加ができました。出町柳のデルタ地帯で集合し、グループピクニックの前に1時間、グローブとトングを使ってゴミ拾いをしました。
As the weather warms up recently, winter has come to an end. I am not sure if this winter was really colder than usual, or because of the restricted social activities due to the pandemic. Many people I talked to told me that they felt this winter was extremely long, and wanted it to end sooner.
I guess traditionally winter is the time when people spend more time indoors, and to fight with that coldness, we need the warm company of our loved ones, our family and friends. That’s why important festivals like Christmas and new year happen in the winter season. But during the Covid-19 pandemic, we try to maintain a social distance, which makes this winter feel lonelier.
The day before Spring Equinox day, on March 20th. My family joined Circular Kyoto’s event, Kamogawa river cleanup. I have been wanting to join this kind of community cleanup event for a while, but it was really my first time. We gathered at Kamogawa river around Demachiyanagi Delta area, with gloves and tongs we cleaned up for an hour before sitting down for a group picnic.
Japan is quite an interesting country when it comes to waste. Because of the “mottainai” culture, I see Japanese people using their food and resources to the maximum value. This is such a beautiful virtue. But on the other hand, every year about 6 million tons of food goes to the trash in Japan, including overdue food from the convenience stores, restaurants, and supermarkets.
However, Japan remains to be one of the cleanest places to live in despite having some of its own environmental issues. I have traveled to many countries in the world, and I think Japan is definitely one of the cleanest. We can hardly see trash cans in public areas, but Japanese people have learned to take responsibility for their own trash at a very young age.
At a glance, the Kamogawa Delta area looks really clean, but if you really pay attention, surprisingly, every two steps you can find hidden garbage under the grass and in the corners. After an hour of cleaning up, we ended up with bags of trash.
It was such an educational activity for kids, and they really enjoyed doing it. I hope we can all take responsibility for the cleanliness of the community we live in. Hanami season is coming up soon, so we can all enjoy the cherry blossoms in a clean environment.

英語:Sandra Fang