ヨガで繋がる世界 ~ バリ
バリ島の中部に位置するウブド、バリ芸術の中心地とも言われる活気のある町にあるヨガスタジオ”The Yoga Barn”。細い路地を入って入り口を抜けると、レギュラーレッスンとワークショップを行う5のスタジオ、一番奥にある二階建てパビリオンの脇には、長期題材者向けの宿泊施設と有機農園、Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Center、Holistic Healing Center、地元の食材を使ったビーガンフードも提供しているカフェ、約50エーカーの敷地の中でバリの自然を満喫することができる、まるで小さな緑のヨガの村です。
バリ島滞在中に私はここで幾つかのレッスンを受講しました。パビリオンの2階にある野外メインスタジオには約70人ほどの外国人でいっぱいになっていました。心地よい緑の香り、太陽の暖かさ、鳥のさえずり、私たちの体は自然の一部であることを思い出させてくれました。レッスン後、バリ島出身の”The Yoga Barn”のヨガインストラクターであるムルニ(Murni)先生と一緒にガーデンカフェで食事をしながら彼女のキャリアとバリのヨガについて話をすることができました。
スタジオでは、教師と生徒のほとんどが外国人でしたが、バリに古くから住んでいる地元の人々はヨガをするのでしょうか。” The Yoga Barnに来る生徒さんは99%が外国人観光客です。私は、地元の女性を対象にヨガのレッスンを行うことがありますが、ヨガを習慣にする人はそんなに多くないと思います。ですが、デンパサールのビーチで毎週日曜の朝に行っているコミュニティヨガのクラスでは、毎回100人ほど参加してその中に地元の人々も多く参加しています。”
ムルニ先生はインストラクターとしての活躍の他にoutreach program のボランティア活動も行っている。この活動の中で彼女は、現代の子供達が抱える問題に直面している。”ここバリでも、都市部の子供たちはTVやスマートフォンのゲームをしている姿を多く見ることができます。自然豊かなバリ島ですが、意外にも子供が思いっきり遊べる広い公園のような場所があまり多くありません。道も狭く、歩行者用通路も確保されていない場所が多く車優先なため、親もしょうがなくゲームを与えてしまうという傾向があると感じています。しかし、小さな村では外で昔ながらの遊びをしている子供たちも多く見かけることができます。バリでしか体験することのできない自然との関わりを子供達にもっと伝えていきたいですね。”明るく、楽しそうに語るムルニ先生の表情はエネルギーに満ち溢れています。
P.S. バリのウブドにあるYin Yang ショップに行きました!
英語・中国語:Sandra Fang
About This Column
This is a column about traveling and yoga, two of my passions. One allows me to explore the world outward, whereas the other leads me inward. Whenever I visit a new place, I’m interested in finding out the yoga scene there and the impact of yoga on the local community. Now follow me on a series of six writings to see the world through the lens of yoga.
A World Connected by Yoga — Bali
Known as the Land of Gods, Bali is a magical island in Indonesia. The charm of this island ranges from its beautiful beaches, spectacular mountains, lush green rice terraces, to its unique culture. Bali has everything to offer nature lovers. It is also a paradise for yogis around the world to come for retreats, teacher trainings, or just a few days to rejuvenate the body and mind.
The Yoga Barn is the biggest yoga studio in Bali. It is located in the heart of Ubud, which is a vibrant town full of Balinese culture, international gourmet, and chic boutique shops. Follow a small alley from the busy street of Jalan Raya Pengosekan and walk about 100 meters into the rice fields you will find The Yoga Barn. No other yoga studios I have been to can compare to its scale. It has five studios to accommodate regular lessons and workshops, an organic farm with a few bungalows, an Ayurvedic Rejuvernating Center, a Holistic Healing Center, and a cafe that serves healing foods featuring local products. This 50 acres of space is truly a little green yoga village tucked in the nature of Bali.The Yoga Barn is the biggest yoga studio in Bali. It is located in the heart of Ubud, which is a vibrant town full of Balinese culture, international gourmet, and chic boutique shops. Follow a small alley from the busy street of Jalan Raya Pengosekan and walk about 100 meters into the rice fields you will find The Yoga Barn. No other yoga studios I have been to can compare to its scale. It has five studios to accommodate regular lessons and workshops, an organic farm with a few bungalows, an Ayurvedic Rejuvernating Center, a Holistic Healing Center, and a cafe that serves healing foods featuring local products. This 50 acres of space is truly a little green yoga village tucked in the nature of Bali.
During my stay in Bali, I took a couple of lessons here. The main studio is an open-air artistic practice room that fits at least 70 people. The class was filled up by foreigners. At times I had completely forgotten that I was in Indonesia. The fragrance of the green, the warmth of the sun, and the chirping sounds of the birds reminded me that nature is the home of our bodies. After the class I had a fun chat about yoga and the life in Bali with the native Balinese instructor, Murni, at The Yoga Barn’s Garden Cafe. In the morning after the class, many yogis stopped by for a healthy breakfast before heading out.
Yoga Movement in Bali
Tourism in Bali has grown dramatically in the past 10 years. Murni recalled, “When I moved to Ubud in 1998, there were only two restaurants on Hanuman Street. Now countless shops and restaurants are lined up and it’s still expanding.” This tourism boom was the foundation of the yoga movement here. Bali is the birthplace of Bali Spirit Festival, an international festival celebrating yoga, music, dance, and holistic lifestyle. Four years after its first event in 2008, in 2012, the festival attracted 6000 guests during its five days of festivities from more than 50 countries, including 1000 Indonesians.
Do the Locals Practice Yoga?
In The Yoga Barn, most of the teachers and students are foreigners. Do the locals practice yoga? “99% of the students at The Yoga Barn are foreigners,” Murni told me with a reluctant smile, “Sometimes I lead a community class to the local women, but it’s hard to motivate them to continue. However, there’s a community yoga class in Denpasar on every Sunday morning on a beach. More than 100 people join the class every time, including many local people.”
Technology’s Impact on our Lifestyle
Besides teaching classes, Murni also plays an active role as a volunteer teacher for the outreach program aimed at Balinese Youth. Speaking of the lifestyle of this young generation, Murni said that she missed those days when she was a kid and played outside in the nature. The lifestyle of this generation is changing. Even in Bali, the urban kids are attached to technology and games. “One day I was volunteering in a small village, I saw some village kids played outside and ran around happily. I felt like I miss those moments! We are seeing less and less of these things. I want to tell people how important it is to be in touch with nature.” The positive energy shines out through Murni’s smile.
Bali is truly a paradise for people from around the world to come for a relaxing vacation. In a fast-paced world like this, we need more places like Bali. I hope that this magical island continues to maintain their unique culture and abundant nature. Bali always reminds me to find a quiet and pure land within myself. I look forward to coming back here someday soon.
這是一個關於旅行和瑜伽的專欄,我的兩大熱忱。 前者引導我出去看外面的世界,後者讓我探索內心。每當我走到一個新的地方,我總是希望多了解當地的瑜伽發展,想要知道瑜伽對那裡生活的人們有什麼影響。我邀請大家跟著我,透過瑜伽的鏡頭去看世界。
透過瑜伽看世界 ~ 峇里島
The Yoga Barn 是峇里島上最大的瑜珈館,位於烏布中心。烏布是島上充滿峇里島藝術和文化氣息的地方。也到處可見的國際化的餐廳和新潮的小商店。從熱鬧的Jalan Raya Pengosekan街走進一條通向田地的小巷,便可以找到The Yoga Barn. 我從沒來過這麼大的瑜伽館。不只是做瑜珈的五個空間,它還包括阿育吠陀中心,一個有機種植的農田,和一個提供用當地食材做的健康食物cafe。這裏簡直是一個綠色的瑜珈村。
在島上旅遊的期間,我來這裡上了幾堂課。這裡的最大教室是一個開放的可以容納70多人的教室。來上課的同學都是外國人,以歐美人居多。我彷彿忘了自己身處印尼。陽光的溫暖和周圍鳥語花香提醒著我大自然跟我們的身體緊密相連。課後,我和上課的老師, 峇里島土生土長的Murni在Garden Cafe聊聊天。早晨瑜珈後,很多人在這邊吃上個健康早餐。
旅遊業在過去的十年中快速的成長。Murni回憶,“1998年,我搬到烏布的時候,當時在哈弩曼街只有兩家餐廳。而現在,數不清的商店和餐廳開滿了整條街,而且還在增長。” 旅遊業的盛行是這島上瑜珈發展的基礎。峇里島是瑜珈節Bali Spirit Festival的誕生地,每年慶祝瑜珈,音樂,舞蹈的大型活動。從2008年開辦開始,四年後便吸引了來自50多個國家超過6000的遊客為此遠道而來。當地的也有一千多人參加。
在The Yoga Barn,多數的老師和同學都是外國人。那當地人練瑜珈嗎? “百分之九十九的來 The Yoga Barn 上課的同學都是外國人。” Murni勉強地笑了笑。“有時我也會給當地的婦女們上課,但她們多數比較難堅持下來。但在每個星期天早上在 Denpasar 的海灘上有一個免費的瑜珈課,每次都有一百多名學生來上課,其中也包括不少的當地人。”
除了瑜珈教學,Murni還積極的參加峇里島的義工活動,幫助當地的年輕朋友。談到島上年輕一代的生活方式,Murni說,她很懷念小的時候在島上每天在大自然裡玩耍的日子。這一代的生活方式正發生改變。即使在峇里島,現在的孩子們玩的是電動遊戲。“有一天我在一個小村莊參加志工活動,看到鄉村的孩子在外面快樂的玩耍。我突然想到自己的童年。我們越來越少看到這樣的畫面了。我想要告訴大家,和大自然親近是多麼的重要。” 從Murni的微笑我看到了滿滿的正能量。