Yin Yangヨガウェアのコラムへ ようこそ。私は 長年にわたるヨガの実践者また講師として、ヨガはどんな方へも計り知れない恩恵を与えうると感じています。心身の健康のため、より健康的なライフスタイルのため、集中力を仕事でより高めるため、周りの人達とより良い関係を築くため等、どんな魅力をヨガに感じていようと、ヨガはそれら全ての側面の助けとなることができます
このコラムでは たくさんあるうちのほんの少ししかお話できないことが残念ですが、ヨガのたくさんの恩恵に預かれるように、ぜひともお近くのヨガスタジオのレッスンに参加したり、プロの先生方のもとで 一緒に練習してみてください。
About this Column
Welcome to my Yin Yang yoga wear column! As a long-time yoga practitioner and yoga teacher, I’m aware of the immense benefits yoga can offer to anyone. Whether you’re attracted to yoga for physical health, for a healthier lifestyle, for better focus on work, or for better relationships with others, yoga can help on all those aspects. Unfortunately there’s only so much I can share in this column, so don’t hesitate to join classes at your local studio and to practice with professional teachers regularly to receive the full benefits of yoga.
私は息子に生後2週間経ってから、毎日数分間だけうつぶせに寝かせることを始めました。はじめの頃は、筋肉が発達していなくてうまく状態を起こせず泣きじゃくっていましたが、3ヶ月が経つ頃には、 息子は誇らしげに頭と胸を高く持ち上げるようになっていました。
Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
The topic of this month’s Yin Yang column is cobra pose, bhujangasana.
As a vinyasa yoga practitioner, the cobra pose is a basic backbend pose that I do at least a few times every time I step on my yoga mat. Sometimes poses you do so often, you start to perform them on autopilot without giving them a second thought. Until when I became a mother, I started to put my boy on his tummy for a few minutes everyday since he was two-week old, so that he can practice lifting his head and strengthening his back muscles. I observed him struggle and cry at the beginning, until a few-month old that he can proudly lift his head and chest high.
I thought to myself, the cobra pose is probably the second yoga-like posture a human masters after shavasana!
When infants are born, their spines have a convex curve in the shape of the letter C. As they practice this cobra-pose-like posture, they are strengthening their muscles that give them the two curves in the neck and the lower back to form the letter S in the spines. It’s their curiosity for the world around them that gives them the strength to do cobra. The world for them is full of wonders and beauty.

But since when as we become older, we lose interests in the world around us, we start to live our lives on autopilot. Instead of lifting the chest, we allow stress and negativity to bring our spine back to the letter C, slouching like a halloween cat.
So much scientific research has proven the influence posture has on the mind. The next time you practice cobra pose, feel the openness of the chest and the strength in the back, feel your lower body grounding down as you lift your upper body high and proud. Let the pose rejuvenate our body and mind, and to reconnect with the world around us. Let our posture change our thoughts, our mood, and our perspective on life.
英語:Sandra Fang
日本語通訳:Eriko Matsumoto