Yin Yangヨガウェアのコラムへ ようこそ。私は 長年にわたるヨガの実践者また講師として、ヨガはどんな方へも計り知れない恩恵を与えうると感じています。心身の健康のため、より健康的なライフスタイルのため、集中力を仕事でより高めるため、周りの人達とより良い関係を築くため等、どんな魅力をヨガに感じていようと、ヨガはそれら全ての側面の助けとなることができます
このコラムでは たくさんあるうちのほんの少ししかお話できないことが残念ですが、ヨガのたくさんの恩恵に預かれるように、ぜひともお近くのヨガスタジオのレッスンに参加したり、プロの先生方のもとで 一緒に練習してみてください。
About this Column
Welcome to my Yin Yang yoga wear column! As a long-time yoga practitioner and yoga teacher, I’m aware of the immense benefits yoga can offer to anyone. Whether you’re attracted to yoga for physical health, for a healthier lifestyle, for better focus on work, or for better relationships with others, yoga can help on all those aspects. Unfortunately there’s only so much I can share in this column, so don’t hesitate to join classes at your local studio and to practice with professional teachers regularly to receive the full benefits of yoga.

ヨガとアーユルヴェーダで 寒い時期を暖かく過ごそう
寒さはおそらく、動こうとしなかったり、居心地の良いこたつの中に隠れるための 格好の言い訳になってくれます。
寒い時期のヨガの練習は、カパラバティ呼吸法から始めることをおすすめします。「火の呼吸法」や「光る頭蓋骨の呼吸法」とも呼ばれる呼吸法です。 その名前が示すとおり、この呼吸法は身体を温めて、心を研ぎ澄まし内臓への血流を良くしてくれます。30回の呼吸を1ラウンドとし、これを3ラウンド行いましょう。この呼吸法は妊婦さんには向かないので気をつけてくださいね。
こうして身体を温めた後に、ヨガの様々なポーズにうつっていきましょう。 身体を内から温めて寒い時期の怠けぐせを降り落とせるよう、体幹のポーズや 後屈のポーズを練習の中に取り入れると良いでしょう。
カパの季節に身体を温かく保つためには、温かいお白湯を飲むことが簡単な方法の一つです。消化器官を清らかにして強めてくれるので、私は朝起きたらいつも、 まず最初に温かいお白湯を飲んでいます。
Staying Warm and Healthy in the Cold Months with Yoga and Ayurveda
Though spring is in the air, the cold weather still lingers on. The coldness is probably an excuse for us to stay inactive and hide ourselves in the comfort of a kotatsu.
Winter is definitely not my favorite season. I do notice my tendency to get lazy and have my nose in a book instead of moving my body. Especially I’m pregnant this winter, it seems to give me a legitimate reason to rest and eat more. After a few parties during the Christmas and new year holidays, I’ve gained a couple of kilos and my blood pressure has reached a record high. When the body is out of balance, we can reverse that with yoga practice and Ayurveda.
Yoga Practice
For yoga practice in the cold weather, I recommend starting with kapalabhati pranayama. It is also called the “breath of fire”, or “skull-shining breath”. Like its name suggests, it helps to warm up the body, clear the mind, and improve blood circulation to the abdominal organs. We can do 3 rounds of 30 breaths each. Note that this pranayama is not suitable for pregnant women though.
After pranayama, we can do a few rounds of sun salutations, which are designed to cultivate heat in the body and to connect the body and mind with mindful breathing. Try to maintain ujjayi pranayama as you flow through sun salutations. Also called the ocean breath, ujjayi is a heated pranayama that helps to cultivate focus and discipline.
After the warm up, we will move on to yoga poses. Core poses and backbends are great to add to your practice to develop an internal heat and to shake off the sluggishness in the cold days.
Always end your practice with a quite shavasana to ground the body and mind. Shavasana in the winter can be taken a bit shorter than in the hotter days.
Late winter to spring is considered the kapha season in Ayurveda. When balanced, kapha supplies strength, vigor, and stability to the body and mind. However in excess, it can lead to sluggishness, weight gain, and negative emotions such as attachment, greed, and depression.
Keeping a thermal with hot water with you is one of the easiest ways to keep the body warm during the kapha season. I always drink a cup of warm water the first thing I wake up to purify and to strengthen the digestive system.
Adding warm spices to your diet is another good way to fight off coldness in winter. Ginger is one of my favorites. I make ginger tea, ginger water, and use it in my cooking. Not only can it help us to stay warm throughout the cold months, it aids digestion, relieves inflammation, congestion, and runny noses.
Not long until the cherry blossoms burst into bloom in Japan and the temperature will gradually rise. Until then, I hope these yoga and Ayurveda tips can help you to stay warm and healthy.
英語:Sandra Fang
日本語通訳:Eriko Matsumoto