“Mommy, does everyone die?”
“Yes, my dear.” I answer.
“Daddy will die?”
“Yes, one day he will die.”
“You will die?”
“Yes, one day I will die.”
“I will die, too?”
“Yes, one day we will all die.”
“Why do we die?”
I thought for a while, but couldn't find a good enough answer, I said, “Because when we get old, the body wears out, then we will die. There are babies being born every second, so old people will die.”
“Oh.” He seemed convinced and understood. I added one line, “But we can try to keep ourselves healthy so we don’t die too early.” “Okay.” He nodded. Recently I read a Japanese story book, The Cat Who Has Lived One Million Times.
Once upon a time, there was an almighty tabby cat that had lived a million times. In different lives, he had been the cat of a king, a circus cat, a cat of a burglar, a cat of an old lady, a cat of a little girl, the list goes on and on.For a million times, the owners of the cat cried when the cat died.
But the cat has never cried once.
Because he never thought that he belonged to anyone. He did not like any of his owners. The only thing he loved was himself.
In this life, he is a stray cat. He goes around and brags to other cats about having died a million times and reborn a million times.
One day this tabby cat met a white cat. He fell in love with her, and together they have many cute kittens. This once very arrogant tabby cat no longer brags about having been reborn one million times, because now he has found someone that he loves more than he loves himself.
The two cats grew old. One day, the white cat died. The tabby cat cried for the very first time. Day and night, day and night, he cried one million times.
After that, he died as well. And he did not reborn again.
What a deep story!
The cat dying sounds like a very sad story, but ironically, the ending of the book is so peaceful.
If dying is everyone’s goal eventually, then love must be the thing that makes a difference in our lives.
I have spent a lot of my time traveling the world in my 20s and early 30s to search for the life I wanted to live, until 10 years ago I settled down to have a family and to develop my career as a yoga teacher. I still do miss traveling sometimes, but I feel the happiest now.
What a blessing for me to have a family that I love and a career that’s worth my whole life developing. I don’t think everyone needs to have a family like the tabby cat. Whatever our image of a meaningful life is, pursuing the life we want brings us so much satisfaction. And in that journey, loving whatever we do and being compassionate for people around us are indispensable.
It’s 6:20am now as I’m writing this before my family wakes up. The sunshine penetrates through the windows into the living room. It’s going to be another busy day, but I know I will enjoy it.
英語:Sandra Fang