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今週の金曜日、12月23日20:15 - 21:00に、またyinyangのインスタライブを開催します。一緒にヨガと瞑想を練習しましょう!
Recently I just finished reading this book, “Siddhartha” by a German writer, Hermann Hesse. I’ve read it a few times already. Once a while I would take it out and reread it. This book is about the story of the journey of Buddha. Siddhartha is the name of Buddha before he became enlightened.
Siddhartha is an Indian prince, handsome, with loving parents, he can have all the material things that he wants, there’s nothing lacking in his life.
But he was not satisfied with his life, so he said farewell to his parents, went into the forest and became a shramana, or a monk. In the book it writes, “Siddhartha had one single goal before him - to become empty, empty of thirst, empty of desire, empty of dreams, empty of joy and sorrow. To die away from himself, no longer to be “I”, to find the peace of an empty heart, to be open to wonder within an egoless mind - that was his goal”.
After I read this, I thought to myself, That’s me! When I was a university student in Canada, I wanted to leave the protection from my parents and go see the world myself. I wanted to find out what the meaning of life is. So I took a 8-month break from school and went traveling solo in Asia.

I think we have all gone through this stage in our life, that we don’t want to simply follow what other people tell us how we should live our lives. We want to find out the answers on our own, what is the meaning of my life?
After 3 years living the life of a monk, he has learned how to fast and how to endure pain, but he realized that he still hasn’t gained any wisdom. He decided to abandon the teachings from the teachers and started to learn from his own life instead.
So he went back to the city from the forest.
The city life stirred up all kinds of desires in Siddhartha’s mind. He had a relationship with the most famous and beautiful courtesan, he became a very successful businessman, he gambled and lived a very luxurious life.
One day he grew old, in his 40s, he started to realize that his life was empty. He again abandoned his city life, and went to live near the river.
This is the story of Buddha, a figure people look up to, someone who is considered the god, the purest, someone who we think has no earthly desires. Who would have thought that’s the life he has once lived?

3 years living the life of a shramana in the forest did not bring him enlightenment, but he had to go to the city, to experience all those earthly desires, to struggle with them, to reflect on them, to have conversations with himself on the journey, eventually he found true wisdom.
His desires and struggles are what brought him wisdom!
We can learn knowledge from other people, but wisdom is what we can not learn from others, you are your best teacher. Your own desires and struggles are great opportunities for you to know yourself better and to foster wisdom.
Some people try to suppress their own desires. They feel like they should feel satisfied with their life and they should not have desires. But it’s really a good learning opportunity.
When a desire comes up, ask yourself, is it something you really want? Why do you want it?
Recently, one of my desires is to have one more child. I often ask myself, why do I want two kids? Why is one not enough? If I could adopt a child instead of having my own, would it give me the same level of satisfaction?

Another desire of mine is to share yoga with more people. I often ask myself, does it give me more values, confidence, fame, money? Why do I want it?
The term “desire” often has a negative connotation. I think there’s nothing wrong with desires but we need to pause regularly and reflect on them.
In yoga philosophy, there is a term, ahimsa, meaning non-violence.
Desires can create problems when they violate ahimsa.
When the thing you desire can hurt someone else or to create harm on our earth and living environment, please pause and think about the consequences of your actions. Even if you have desires that can benefit others, when you have too much attachment to the result of your own desires, eventually if you can not achieve your goal, you will hurt yourself as you will get disappointed and anxious.

Living in the modern world, we are too focused on achieving goals. When a new year comes, you set a new year resolution that you will lose 10kg this year, or read a book a week, or get married this coming year. How many of your new year resolutions are fulfilled?
Not many of mine are achieved. It brings disappointment and self-criticism.
I no longer want to focus on the result. I want to focus on setting habits so that I can do the things I want to do little by little and enjoy the process at the same time.

For example, I want to stay healthy. Instead of setting goals like, I want to lose 10kg in 2023! I would set up the habit to exercise for 30 minutes a day after I wake up.
For example, I want to read lots of books. Instead of setting goals like, I want to read one book a week. I would set up the habit to read 30 minutes a day after I exercise in the morning.
For example, I want to get married this year. Instead of making it a goal and wishing that your prince will one day show up, I would create opportunities regularly to meet new people.
Even if you don’t achieve your goals, you will gain so much in the process.
I remember reading this line in a book, “A real yogi is someone who acts without attachment to the result.” I constantly remind myself of this important message.
I have another insta live this Friday December 23rd 20:15-21:00. Please come join and chat with me, let me know what you think.
英語:Sandra Fang